For the times when I felt the animation was off, thank goodness there is google+, and some awesome feedback from fellow animation students . Of course I had the AM site to give me great feedback too, the feedback was everywhere. Heck I would even jump out of my chair from time to time and attempt the same motion of Skip I was trying to do. All these things helped alot I am not going to lie.
I was able to attend a QnA with 2 animators who worked on Cars 2, hearing there story of how they got into Pixar was very inspiring. I really enjoyed when they talked about there workflow and how they would approach the animation, I found it insane(in a good way) that one of them would do straight ahead animation for most of there shots during Cars 2. Its awesome to me cause honestly this is what I ended up doing on my Skip. The best thing I took away from all of this is
Don't be afraid to delete keys and redo the whole animation, in the long run this will only help you
Enjoy the balance Pose and my walk skip cycle.
The Sketches
The Pose
The Animation